
Campaigns tell a memorable, compelling story to a specific audience. They build a connection between the audience’s needs or interests and yours. They differentiate your work and build relationships with the people who can help advance your mission.

Successful and consistent campaigning builds an organization’s mindshare, generates momentum, and inspires actions such as donating, signing up, voting, or protesting.

Big Duck develops campaigns that work triple duty—carrying your nonprofit’s voice out into the world, encouraging people to connect with your organization, and motivating audiences to act in ways that advance your mission. Here are some ways we do that:

  • Persuasive messaging
  • Campaign planning and identity
  • Campaign copywriting and design
  • Case statement development
  • Recruitment campaign materials
  • Fundraising campaign materials
  • Anniversary campaign materials
  • Advocacy campaign materials
  • Digital presentations
  • Microsite strategy and design

After working with us on a rebrand, Big Duck brought the energy of our new brand identity to a powerful and visually striking campaign that spoke to our history of work and also resonated with a new generation of supporters who are fired up and ready to rally for their rights.

— Jennifer Daw Holloway, Director, Communications

Capital campaign communications

Capital, endowment, and mixed campaigns inspire major donors to step up and invest in your organization’s long-term success. Big Duck develops case statements, presentations, microsites, and other materials (print and digital) that motivate major donors to select your organization as a top philanthropic priority by making your “ask” in a clear and compelling manner.

Big Duck has worked on dozens of capital campaigns with revenue goals ranging from 12 million to two billion dollars. We regularly partner with in-house development teams and their fundraising counsel to leverage their expertise and make sure all donor communications are pitch-perfect and brand-aligned.

Donor communications strategies, digital fundraising plans, and campaigns

Donor communications strategies and digital fundraising plans clarify how and when to use your organization’s owned media (website, social, email, mail, SMS), earned media (press), and paid media (advertising). They are always scaled to your in-house team’s capacity and budget. 

Big Duck also helps bring plans to life by creating fundraising campaigns that build your list, re-engage lapsed donors, and inspire renewals. We evaluate, map, and optimize your donors’ journeys to maximize their engagement, craft personas and persuasive messaging, and remove obstacles to streamline their — and your — experience to make giving easier. 

We believe that strong major donor communications must inspire donors to support your organization with content about your vision.

  • Inform donors by speaking with one consistent voice rooted in the right details throughout the campaign.
  • Reassure donors you’ll spend their money wisely.
  • Value the investments of donors as well as contributions of the community at large.
  • Foster a sense of belong, not othering.

Recruitment, awareness, and advocacy campaigns

Big Duck develops brand-aligned campaigns that spark action. This work begins with a campaign plan that’s unique to your organization’s mission, brand, budget, and capacity. Big Duck can write and design the elements that bring it to life or support your in-house team in their efforts.

Big Duck helped our organization plan and execute a year-end giving campaign that doubled our annual giving from the previous year and exceeded our goals. They were responsive to our organizational mission and thoughtful about the language and imagery that would present our community in a manner that advanced racial and economic equity rather than elicit pity.

— Caitlyn Brazil, Chief Development Officer, Per Scholas

Are you ready to turn observers into advocates, activists, and supporters? Let’s get started.