The sweet smell of census | Weekly Roundup
- April is here, and census data are in the air. VolunteerMatch blog shares tips for how you can encourage your nonprofit’s constituents to “Mail it Back”.
- What do the governor of Minnesota and the Jonas Brothers have in common? I can think of so many things. Mostly, though, they have both used Facebook to stage live virtual events–in Governor Tim Pawlenty’s case, a Facebook town hall meeting. Although perhaps less thrilling than an album debut, the virtual town hall brings up some interesting possibilities: how could your nonprofit take advantage of the Facebook platform to virtually engage your supporters in real time?
- Are you a PDF aficionado? Trust me, it’s more exciting than it sounds. Learn how to PDF with panache using these handy Adobe Acrobat Pro tips from TechSoup (and while you’re there, find out if your nonprofit is eligible for a free version).
- The Pepsi Refresh Project is in full swing, and so is the controversy that attends online vote-for-me philanthropy contests. On her blog, Beth Kanter highlights some less-than-admirable tactics employed by nonprofits seeking Pepsi Refresh grants and wonders, is it possible to devise a better structure for contests like this one, or should they just be scrapped?
- Overwhelmed by all there is to do in social media? Don’t sweat it. According to Katya Andreson, the key to building successful relationships online is simpler than you might think: just “be generous and lazy“. Count me in.
- And in eager anticipation of this weekend’s unveiling, here’s Stephen Colbert being funny about the iPad. Relevant to nonprofit communications? Not really. I just like gadgets.
A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Follow me on Twitter @elizabethricca or check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.