0 min Read
May 21, 2010

Oh, Facebook. | Weekly Roundup

  • I’m tempted to just close my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears until all the madness over Facebook’s privacy policies calms down and we actually know what we’re dealing with. But if you’re more enterprising than I am and are determined to understand the tangled web of privacy settings, here’s a visualization from the New York Times that may help. Or not.
  • As Bryan Miller discusses on Giving in a Digital World, a new service called Square now makes it possible for nonprofits (or anyone really) to process credit card transactions with nothing fancier than a smartphone and a little (free) card-scanning device. It’s hip to be square!
  • While you’re in tidying mode, how about that website? Is it quick and easy for your site visitors to find the most important content? Lacey Kruger on Connection Caf