Knock knock: anyone home? | Weekly Roundup
- As search gets smarter, more and more of your site visitors are able to get what they need from your website without ever making a pit stop on the homepage. Make sure they don’t miss anything important (like your enewsletter signup) with these tips from Nancy Schwartz.
- Building a new website, creating a campaign, or working on a new logo? Do your homework with some good old-fashioned user testing. It doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds–Kira Marchenese shares an example of just how simple (and effective) a little user feedback can be.
- RSS (really simple syndication) is super useful and too often overlooked. Joanne Fritz tells her how-we-met story of RSS adoption and provides some helpful resources for getting started (or starting over, if your relationships with RSS haven’t worked out in the past).
- A great nonprofit video starts with a great plan. Debra Askanase offers some suggestions on Idealware for ensuring your film debut is strategically on point and destined for greatness.
- My new favorite website: I strongly recommend submitting a giraffe of your own. Here’s mine–some of my fellow Ducks have been making free with the dry erase markers, so he now has a pumpkin for a head. Such is the nature of community-sourced art.
A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Follow me on Twitter @elizabethricca or check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.