Gaming for good | Weekly Roundup
- Want to work and play at the same time? Take a five minute break and check out SPENT, an interactive game that aims to inspire donations to Urban Ministries of Durham by illustrating how hard it can be to live on a limited income. Hat tip to Todd Cohen on Philanthropy Journal for the link and an interesting writeup of the results so far.
- Take off your glasses for a moment. How easy would it be to navigate through your nonprofit’s website if your vision were limited? If the answer is “not very,” click on over to Kelli Shaver’s post on Mashable for a few tips on making your site more accessible to people with visual impairments.
- Weekly active users, daily story feedback, tab views–there’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to Facebook metrics. Figure out which numbers are most important to measure with this post from Nick O’Neill on All Facebook.
- Social media aren’t all or nothing–it’s okay (and probably advisable) to take it one tool at a time. Katya Andreson offers some advice for prioritizing your efforts online.
- From Conor Byrne’s Blog, here’s an video describing a campaign to celebrate the birth of a new baby elephant at the Antwerp Zoo. Their goal: to raise awareness of and interest in the Zoo by making everyone in Belgium feel “a bit pregnant too.” How can you bring your supporters feel a part of the story in your next campaign?
Say, is it just me, or is the roundup looking extra spiffy today? Must be basking in the reflected glow of Big Duck’s brand-spanking-new website. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. For more noteworthy links, follow me on Twitter @elizabethricca.