Feel the beat | Weekly Roundup
- Redesigning your website? Don’t be daunted–Eve Simon on AdLibbing explains how to take it one bite at a time.
- Effective video isn’t just a tool–it’s an art. On NTEN’s blog, Cam Hayduk and Kat Kelly share some advice for finding the rhythm when you’re editing your nonprofit’s next online video.
- If you’re a sucker for Harry Potter (as I am), you’ll enjoy Katya Andreson’s post on spotting and vanquishing the “dementors” in your nonprofit’s storytelling.
- Not sure what to make of the latest changes to Facebook Insights? John Haydon breaks down the new metrics in a handy video tutorial.
- Check out these interesting logo concepts for Occupy Wall Street on the New York Times–even a grassroots protest movement can benefit from some branding.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.