Curiouser and curiouser | Weekly Roundup
- Curiosity is hard to trigger, but it can be a very effective tool for drawing clicks, views, and visits. Amy Harrison on Copyblogger suggests a few ways to make your readers curious and eager to learn more.
- Once you’ve earned those curious clicks, turn them into donations, volunteers, and participants with these tips from Carolyn Kopprasch about how to optimize your online conversions with smart emails.
- Got lots of fans and followers? Well done! But the hard work isn’t over yet–time to start getting those folks onto your email list. Nichole Kelly on Social Media Explorer explains why it’s so important.
- On NetWits Think Tank, Frank Barry makes the case for why nonprofits should offer supporters the option to make recurring donations, and shares some examples of what it looks like when it’s done well.
- If your organization is looking to take a more strategic approach to social media, look no further than this helpful post from Debra Askanase explaining the components of a good social media plan that leads to smart, thoughtful posts and tweets.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.