1 min Read
April 9, 2010

Bring home the virtual bacon | Weekly Roundup

  • Social media may not be a silver bullet for fundraising, but for small nonprofits, they could be the next evolution of the bake sale fundraiser. On Think Social, Jacob Brody discusses the potential for organizations to tap online networks for small-scale fundraising efforts.
  • When was the last time you brushed up on your online fundraising basics? Eric Rardin on Frogloop cautions that even the most experienced fundraisers may be in danger of flunking online fundraising 101.
  • If you’re thinking of creating a Facebook app for your next social media campaign, take a step back and think twice about how helpful it’s likely to be. According to Nick O’Neill at All Facebook, Facebook Connect is starting to look like the way of the future, as apps fade into the background for most users. (That said, if the glut of Farmville notices in my news feed is any indication, the platform won’t disappear in a big hurry.)
  • This morning, I was thinking to myself, what could make Big Duck’s awesome website even awesomer? There’s only one answer: bacon! (Don’t judge; I haven’t had breakfast yet.) If your website could use a little more processed meat, the griddle is on at

A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Follow me on Twitter @elizabethricca or check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.