1 min Read
February 26, 2010

Is your Page as cool as the Page for the Norwegian Curling Team’s Pants? | Weekly Roundup

  • Earlier this week, Google added Facebook Page status updates to its real-time search results, which means that if you post something to your nonprofit’s Page about, say, education reform, that update could show up when someone Googles “education reform”. Time to dust off the old status updater.
  • Does your nonprofit have a process in place for communicating with donors who give to you through Network for Good? If not, you may be missing important opportunities to connect with your supporters. Kivi Leroux Miller explains the whys and hows.
  • If you’re writing copy for your nonprofit’s website, check out these tips from Kevin Cesarz on how to appropriately “layer” your content so that the important stuff is right up front.

A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.