You can’t escape the Gangnam style | Weekly Roundup
- You might have thought you were safe from a Gangnum-related reference in a weekly roundup about nonprofit communications, but you’d be wrong. As the web video sensation is blowing up stateside, Harvard Business Review has distilled a few key marketing lessons. And unlike the song, they’re guaranteed not to get stuck in your head on an endless loop.
- Getting pressure from the top to participate in an online giving challenge, like the Chase Community Challenge on Facebook? The Chronicle of Philanthropy takes a look at whether they’re worth the time and energy that some organizations are putting into them.
- Speaking of Facebook, if you’re thinking about dipping your toes into advertising on the social network, Beth Kanter’s got you covered. Sponsored like? Promoted post? She breaks it down here.
- With such a focus on data in the nonprofit world over the last few years, have we lost the ability to learn from each other and not just numbers? One of your biggest resources for insight could be your members and supporters. Learn more over at NTEN’s blog.
- We talk a lot about organizational branding, but what about your personal brand? Check out Amy Sample Ward’s tips for the key to mixing business and pleasure on your social networks of choice.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications.