Silo no more | Weekly Roundup
- Ever feel like your organization is broken down into silos? Socialbrite posted a guide to encouraging a knowledge sharing culture.
- Pages, they are a’changing over at Facebook. Have you caught up on the five most recent upgrades you need to know about? If not, head over to Nonprofit Tech 2.0 to learn more.
- If you’re skipping out on follow-up, you’re losing out on easy ways to increase your open rates and click throughs. Check out a few techniques to boost your stats over at NetWitsThinkTank.
- Are you walking the talk? Head over to read SocialFish’s post on encouraging innovation by going beyond the talk.
- It’s more than just posting a status update or tweeting a link. Idealware lays out the four areas of strategic thinking that should go into your content strategy.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications.