Pinteresting… | Weekly Roundup
- Just who makes donations on their mobile phone? Pew Internet’s latest study, looking at people who gave to the “Text to Haiti” campaign, provides some interesting insights.
- Want a fancy-pants map on your website that easily demonstrates your organization’s reach and impact, but can’t afford an expensive custom solution? Sean Larkin goes into some serious detail on how build one yourself over on the NTEN blog.
- If maps aren’t enough, Mashable has some other suggestions for how to keep your website all cutting-edge and spiffy this year.
- Take the hard work out of managing your nonprofit’s blog with three helpful tools from Jason Keath. It’s all in the planning.
- And if you thought you’d got through this without a mention of latest social media darling Pinterest, think again. Avi Kaplan explains what Pinterest is, why everyone’s making such a fuss about it, and how your nonprofit can use it in his post on Frogloop.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.