On the Plus Side | Weekly Roundup
- It’s here! Google has opened Google+ to organizations. Time to claim your nonprofit’s page and start strategizing about how (and whether) to use it to reach your supporters.
- Google also made some changes to Google Reader (its RSS reader) last week. If the changes hurt your eyes (and brain), check out Lifehacker’s crowdsourced list of the five best alternatives.
- Are the links in your email appeals working hard enough for you? Increase your click-through and conversion rates with this advice from Mike Snusz at NetWits ThinkTank.
- If you’re on Twitter, check out Tweetsheet for a quick (and pretty) overview of which of your past posts got the most retweets (and where), which of your followers mention you most, and what you tweet about most often.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.