Giving on the go | Weekly Roundup
- Now that forty percent of U.S. mobile users own smartphones, it’s probably time your organization thought about optimizing its online donation pages for mobile devices. Bob Jones suggests three easy ways to do just that over on the NTEN blog.
- Equipped with a mobile-ready donation page and Dave Chaffey’s Smart Insights post on who’s scanning QR codes, when, and where, the time may also be right to consider including a QR code on your organization’s direct mail appeal this year-end.
- Ever wondered why people aren’t sharing your nonprofit’s content? John Haydon suggests five possible reasons (and solutions).
- And if all that’s not 2.0 enough for you, how about using Foursquare to reach new people with location-based tips? Get started with these five types of tips to share from Heather Mansfield at Nonprofit Tech 2.0.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.