Don’t Trust the Messenger | Weekly Roundup
- Public Relations firm Edelman released its 2012 Trust Barometer last week, with some interesting findings for nonprofits. Among them, as Katya Andresen points out, people now trust regular employees of an organization and “people like myself” more than they trust nonprofit representatives. Time to start thinking about ways to help your clients, supporters, and employees tell your story for you.
- Just in case you hadn’t heard all the hullabaloo, Google announced it’s about to update the privacy policy for all of its products. The change won’t just affect you individually–together with Google’s recent “search plus you world” update, it could also change how people find your organization by affecting what they see in Google ads and search results.
- Looking for inspiration for your next fundraising campaign? SOFII’s put together a list of 23 (yes, 23–who doesn’t love a prime number?) all-time great campaigns that should kick-start your thinking.
- Wouldn’t it be great if there was a cheap way to test your fundraising messages before you sent them? Well, Karen Zapp has two such cost-effective testing mechanisms for you to check out.
- Now that Facebook’s rolling out its timeline all over the place, Beth Kanter’s pulled together some great advice on how to use timeline apps to engage your supporters.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.