Coming in for a landing | Weekly Roundup
- Great news! Someone just clicked through your email. Now what are you doing to engage them? Optimize your landing pages with these ten tips from the Content Marketing Institute.
- If you post a tweet on Twitter and no one retweets it, does it even make a sound? Check out ReadWriteWeb’s post on writing good tweets and getting your audience to retweet them.
- But what if you tweet and no one recognizes your avatar? NonProfitOrgs has rounded up some great examples of organizational avatars that are right on brand to inspire you.
- Running a multichannel cause campaign may look like a piece of cake from the outside, but that’s just because you’re doing your job right. SocialBrite has a list of ten tools you can use to coordinate all those moving pieces.
- Are you winning at pinning? As much as we’re trying to avoid the Charlie Sheen reference circa summer 2011, Beth’s Blog covers a great case study of a nonprofit using Pinterest smartly.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications.