Image by Frank de Kleine
1 min Read
July 19, 2017

Capital campaigns that fund more than buildings

Graduating, finding the love of your life, having a child, losing a loved one, hiring a new executive director, developing a new strategic plan, and launching a significant capital campaign. What do these events have in common? They are all transformative milestones that significantly alter the course of the future.

While some milestones in an organization’s life are unavoidable—the retirement of a board chair or executive director, for instance—others like strategic planning or capital campaigns are sparked by the vision, discipline, and drive of determined leaders within the organization. They are pregnant with possibilities.

During a capital campaign, huge amounts of money are typically raised to support projects that would likely never happen without a big push forward: new buildings, endowments, the funding of life-saving research, or the acquisition of other agencies. But what about leveraging your capital campaign to fund significant changes within your organization too?

During my June 21 webinar with Andrea Kihlstedt, President of Capital Campaign Masters, we’ll unpack how a capital campaign can be a great opportunity to jumpstart progress on internal projects too by funding the restructuring of a team, a rebrand, a new website, or other critical infrastructure projects. It’s free to sign up– won’t you join us?