Nonprofit Tech Conference (NTC) Buzz
Where can you try on Google Glass, talk about the impact agile developing is having on nonprofits, and participate in something called the Geek Games? Why, the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), of course!
The Nonprofit Technology Network’s (NTEN) annual conference is the only nonprofit-sector conference I’ve ever been to where tech early adopters, strategists, developers, and the ‘next gen’ of leadership get together and, well, crash a hotel’s internet connection in record speed.
This year, themes like disruption, sustainable workplace habits, and how mid-level people can inspire change in their nonprofit’s leadership dominated. Sure, technology is a big topic- but the bigger topic continues to be harnessing limited staff time and management skills to get things done.
I led and participated in several sessions, where books like Lean In, Delivering Happiness or The Lean Startup came up repeatedly, applicable for the lessons they teach about leadership, workplace values, and agility. (My new pal Alex Kadin, a techie at Repair the World, put together this handy dandy book list in case you’re looking for more fodder for your Kindle.)
While people who love or work in tech-related jobs in the nonprofit sector consider the NTC a must-attend event, I was pleased to see more development and communications staff people attending this year. After all, technology is just a utility we use in the service of other things- communication, fundraising, advocacy, and outreach.
Thinking of attending the NTC next year? It’s going to be in Austin, Texas! Look for the exact dates and register on NTEN’s site. And while you’re there, consider becoming a member. This is a great organization just about anyone in the nonprofit sector can benefit from.