Are You Listening? | Weekly Roundup
- We’ve all heard that listening online (no pun intended) is the first step to developing a social media strategy. But what the heck does it mean and how do you go about doing it? The ever-prolific Beth Kanter has some useful thoughts and tools for you.
- Pay attention! Ron Ashkenas has three tips to help you grab people’s attention in less than 30 seconds.
- Once you’ve grabbed people’s attention, how do you keep it and convert it into action? Carolyn Kopprasch has some ideas for converting email subscribers’ attention to clicks to action on the Emma blog.
- We love consistency here at the Duck (especially the consistency of chocolate pudding), but keeping your communications consistent can be hard work. To make it a little easier, check out HubSpot’s useful template for developing an online communications style guide for your organization.
- As we keep mentioning on the roundup, nonprofit storytelling is so hot right now. But storytelling doesn’t have to be all words, as Amber Bonner points out in her post about telling powerful stories through photographs.
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Liz (@elizabethricca) and Maddy (@maddymilan) take turns sharing useful links and other nonprofit fun.