Action! | Weekly Roundup
Liz is on vacation, frolicking among daffodils in the Welsh valleys, so this week’s roundup comes from me again. Hope you like it; I made it for you ‘special.
- What’s the point of a call to action if it doesn’t actually get people to take action? Not much, I’d say. Make sure yours get as much action as possible with Katya Andresen’s five essential elements of a strong call to action.
- Of course, one action you don’t want your supporters to take is to unsubscribe from your email list. Mike Snusz, over on NetWits Think Tank, suggests you can reduce the risk of people unsubscribing by setting expectations and including these five important items on your email sign-up form.
- Remember the Facebook Pages upgrade we talked about in the roundup a month ago (how could you forget?)? This week, Facebook made the new Page layout mandatory. If you don’t check your nonprofit’s Facebook page all that regularly (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone), now might be a good time to go and do that, to make sure everything’s still looking lovely.
- Whether your organization has the new Facebook Page layout or no Facebook Page at all, you should still have a clear and well-thought-out social media policy in place. Stephanie Schwab’s post on Social Media Explorer this week lays out the essentials for crafting a comprehensive but fair social media policy. How does your organization’s policy measure up?
- This week’s final word goes to my favorite, Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice guy. See how the latest commercial was made in yet another clever bit of marketing from the people behind the campaign.