A World Beyond Likes | Weekly Roundup
- Sure, everyone likes to be liked. But how about taking your online engagement a step further? NTEN wrote about moving beyond the paradigm of like/follow/share and taking it up a notch.
- Even if you weren’t in the Scouts growing up, when it comes to planning the content for your website, you should always Be Prepared. Frogloop has some tips on how to get ahead of the curve and rock the planning process.
- You might not have the resources to focus on mobile quite yet, but you’d be surprised at how many of your emails are read on a mobile device. Donor Digital pulled together some best practices to implement for those readers on the go.
- The first step in optimizing your website is to understand who is visiting and what they’re looking for. That’s why Google Analytics is arguably the most important tool in your arsenal. If you don’t have it installed, or don’t really get it, Connecting Up has a great introductory post to get you going.
- Is greed a do or don’t in social media marketing? Causevox includes it as one of the Six Gs to guide your efforts online. (Spoiler alert: it’s a don’t.)
Visit the Duck Call every Monday for our weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications.