Good news for nonprofits | Weekly Roundup
- Blackbaud and Network for Good report better-than-expected results for 2009 online fundraising. Recession, smecesshion.
- There’s no shortage of lists out there for what to do/expect/avoid in 2010. Here’s one of my favorites: tech advice for nonprofits from Social Ch@nge.
- And now that you’ve read that tech advice and resolved to optimize your mobile communications, check out this list of tips and resources from Rebecca Leaman on Wild Apricot for making your websites “mobile-friendly”.
- There’s a new Twitter fundraising service in town: Give a Tweet. Nonprofit Tech 2.0 explains the implications for nonprofits and why your organization should take it out for a spin.
- Your Facebook page is up and running: time to start measuring how your social networking efforts are panning out. This post from John Haydon walks you through 11 important Facebook stats that you should review, set a benchmark for, and track over time to assess the success of your page.
A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.