Summer Brandraising Academy
Our most popular workshops and conference sessions are coming to you in a free webinar series so you can build your team’s branding, fundraising, and communications skills this summer.
Big Duck’s first-ever Summer Brandraising Academy, a free five-part webinar series, starts on June 12, 2019.
Register for each webinar you wish to attend by clicking the individual link below and completing the form.
Is it time to change your nonprofit’s name?
June 12, 2-3:30pm ET | Register
Three nonprofit communicators who have led organization name changes—Jen Bokoff of Candid (the merger of Guidestar and the Foundation Center), Katherine Olleneburger of Community Change, and Rinku Sen of Race Forward—and Big Duck’s Farra Trompeter will help you assess if your organization’s name should change and share steps necessary to ensure a successful process.
Tell a good story: Crafting mission statements and messages for your organization
June 20, 2-3pm ET | Register
Farra Trompeter and Chandra M. Hayslett of the Center for Constitutional Rights will share how to evaluate and evolve your mission statement and craft key messages, boilerplate statements, and elevator pitches that are memorable and consistent.
Writing and designing for major donors
June 25, 3:30-4:30pm ET | Register
Big Duck’s Sarah Durham and Claire Taylor Hansen will share the three most essential ingredients that a case statement and other major donor collateral must include and share DIY tips for writing and designing your own major donor materials.
Turf wars to love connection: Get your teams to stop fighting like cats and dogs
July 10, 2-3pm ET | Register
Join digital engagement strategist Chris Tuttle and Farra Trompeter for an interactive session that will help fundraisers and communicators know how/when/if they should work together or independently, provide tips and tactics to improve collaboration, and share how ideas for fundraising campaigns can come from diverse and unexpected places.
So many choices, so little time: Setting strategies to guide your tactics
July 17, 2-3:30pm ET | Register
Big Duck’s Laura Fisher and Farra Trompeter will be joined by Meghan Finn of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation in a conversation about how to better define communications strategies in order to determine which tactics and channels are worth your time and resources.