The Art of the High-Five
I’m giving complete and total credit for this post to our resident Brit, strategist Madeleine Milan. A couple months ago, I had the opportunity to deliver a high-five to Maddy. I was actually more of a recipient of it. It was loud. And it hurt. Really hurt. But I appreciated it, because it was done with such fervor and authority, that one can’t help but feel that whatever the reason for the high-five, I deserved it.
I was apparently late to the party, having been told that Maddy is famous for her high-fives. But I’ve appreciated them so much, that I’ve gotten my wife to adopt the “Milan Maneuver.” But I think more people should embrace this. Why should nonprofiteers care about their high-fives? Because everyone needs to celebrate their victories, however large or small. Made your year end fundraising goals? High-five. Launched a new website? High-five. Rescued the last chocolate donut from the coffee place? HIGH-friggin-FIVE.
To make sure that everyone is doing the high-five correctly, I’d drafted Maddy and Dan to help demonstrate the signature Madeleine Milan high-five.
Step 1: Acknowledge a victory. Preferably with a compatriot.
Step 2: Demand a high-five. As in, “high-five!”
Step 3: Line up the hand and arm, so that they’re almost vertical.
Step 4: The wind-up. Pull back a little, and begin your forward momentum. Put a lot of weight into it.
Step 5: Connect. Do not slow down. Make sure you meet palms with your partner. Get as much surface area as possible.
The test that you’ve done this correctly is if the decibel level goes way up (it should sound like a whack) and that your palms should be red with hurt.
Repeat as necessary.