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June 28, 2011

Miss Manners: Online Communications Etiquette

Since the majority of our communications are happening online these days (via email, websites, twitter, facebook, etc), why are so many people so reactive and mindless about how they use these tools? I’ve been pondering this question for awhile and enlisted my pals Katya Andresen from Network for Good and Jocelyn Harmon from Care2 to try and figure it out. The result is a session we’ve developed for the upcoming Bridge conference, which is July 20-22 at the Gaylord Center just outside DC. 

Our session, “Miss Manners: Online Communications Etiquette” is designed to get folks thinking more about how they communicate personally and professionally. I hope you’ll be there to share your insights–or please comment here if you’ve got thoughts on this subject. We’d love to hear them. 
Miss Manners
2pm to 3:15pm on Thursday, July 21
Bridge Conference

Gaylord Center