0 min Read
December 12, 2013

What’s an effective nonprofit brand all about? I’m spilling my guts on Nonprofit Radio.

Ever been to Fundraising Day New York? If not, it’s a great place to connect with New York’s top fundraisers and other nonprofit sector luminaries.

At last June’s event, Tony Martignetti, host of the cool Nonprofit Radio podcast, nabbed me for a quick interview about brandraising. I’m a fan of his work, so it was neat to get to see him in action and be on the show. During our chat, we talked about what a nonprofit branding is, how to use down-and-dirty research techniques to figure out how your organization is perceived, and why consistency counts.

You can find the interview online here. Also, don’t forget to save the date for Fundraising Day 2014 if you live in the New York City area! I’d love to see you there.