1 min Read
July 8, 2010

One year of Duck Call madness

Jenna Silverman

The Big Duck blog launched on July 1st, 2009 to help celebrate Big Duck’s 15th Anniversary. Our goals for the blog were to use it as a way to celebrate smart nonprofit communications, explore relevant issues, and have a little fun. And now a year has gone by. So to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Duck Call, I thought it would be nice to take a short trip down memory lane.

During our first year of blogging, these were the top ten most popular posts:

  1. Words for Nonprofits to Avoid in 2010
  2. Dan’s gift for 2010: Scottish tablet
  3. 10 best practices in social media for nonprofits
  4. A picture’s worth 1,000 words: information graphics for nonprofits
  5. Notable quotables — some great things we overheard @ 10NTC
  6. Farra’s gift for 2010: Getting in touch with your inner child
  7. Social Media and Technology: What Nonprofits Need To Know
  8. Liz’s gift for 2010: Budgeting
  9. What story are you telling your donors… and where are you telling it?
  10. Jenna’s gift for 2010: My favorite YouTube clips of 2009

We’ve had a great time this past year, and we hope you’ve found the Duck Call to be smart, fun, creative, and useful as well. We look forward to more of it in the years to come.

Blogs are a great way to build relationships with your audience, show your organizations personality, and convene conversations. If you are thinking about starting a blog for your nonprofit, make sure to have a clear strategy and realistic goals, and are committed to maintaining the blog before jumping in.

Do you have a favorite post from the past year? Please share any comments, feedback, or suggestions about the Duck Call. And thanks for reading!