1 min Read
April 30, 2010

Location, location, location | Weekly Roundup

  • If your organization is planning a foray into online advocacy, check out this list of tips and ideas from Lisbeth Cort, inspired by a campaign conducted by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
  • You’ve probably seen the alarming headlines, but better safe: a large number of nonprofits will lose their tax-exempt status mid-May, when a recently-enacted law requiring all nonprofits to file tax forms kicks in (previously, organizations bringing in less than $25,000 in revenues weren’t required to file). If you think your nonprofit might be among those affected, check out Wild Apricot’s blog for more details on what to do next.

A weekly roundup of interesting reads from the online world of nonprofit communications. Follow me on Twitter @elizabethricca or check out my Delicious bookmarks for more noteworthy links.